You as a woman want to do body building ?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How To Be A Female Bodybuilder

I'm going to give you the necessary advice to show you how to be a female bodybuilder. It really isn't as hard as most people make it out. All that is required is repeating this advice daily for months.

  • Cycle Cutting and Bulking: All bodybuilders go in cycles. They're either bulking or cutting. Bulking is the process of putting on muscle with minimum amounts of fat. Cutting is the process of losing fat while minimizing the amount of muscle lost. It is impossible for the body to maximize muscle growth and maximize fat loss at the same time, therefor bodybuilders do it in cycles. Often people will start out bulking first, than cutting because the added muscle from bulking makes cutting easier.
  • Have Your Day Planned Out In Advance: This is just a way to stop thinking. People get tired and end up cheating, not because it's hard, but because they're forced to think. I know that sounds stupid, but after a hard day of work and you come home to try and figure out what you should have to eat, it's hard your senses. You're not in the mood and you'll do what is easier on the head. If you plan your meals and your workouts in advance, you don't have to think about it. You just do it, which makes it a lot simpler.
  • Smaller Meals More Often: This is essential because your body doesn't repair muscle tissue immediately. It can take up to 48hrs for your muscles to repair. That means you need to have a constant flow of protein coming into your body during that time. The best way to do that is to break up your meals, into smaller ones that you eat more often. If you're taking in a meal every three hours, your body is going to be in a better position to build muscle.

This is how to be a female bodybuilder. I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

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