You as a woman want to do body building ?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How To Be A Female Bodybuilder

I'm going to give you the necessary advice to show you how to be a female bodybuilder. It really isn't as hard as most people make it out. All that is required is repeating this advice daily for months.

  • Cycle Cutting and Bulking: All bodybuilders go in cycles. They're either bulking or cutting. Bulking is the process of putting on muscle with minimum amounts of fat. Cutting is the process of losing fat while minimizing the amount of muscle lost. It is impossible for the body to maximize muscle growth and maximize fat loss at the same time, therefor bodybuilders do it in cycles. Often people will start out bulking first, than cutting because the added muscle from bulking makes cutting easier.
  • Have Your Day Planned Out In Advance: This is just a way to stop thinking. People get tired and end up cheating, not because it's hard, but because they're forced to think. I know that sounds stupid, but after a hard day of work and you come home to try and figure out what you should have to eat, it's hard your senses. You're not in the mood and you'll do what is easier on the head. If you plan your meals and your workouts in advance, you don't have to think about it. You just do it, which makes it a lot simpler.
  • Smaller Meals More Often: This is essential because your body doesn't repair muscle tissue immediately. It can take up to 48hrs for your muscles to repair. That means you need to have a constant flow of protein coming into your body during that time. The best way to do that is to break up your meals, into smaller ones that you eat more often. If you're taking in a meal every three hours, your body is going to be in a better position to build muscle.

This is how to be a female bodybuilder. I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Free Female Muscle Tips

I'm going to share with you some of my free female muscle tips that can help you put on a lot of muscle and become a female bodybuilder. This is a very small sport for women and it is growing. The problem is that bodybuilding is dominated by men and all the information out there is filtered for men. I'm going to share some of the things I learned that came from almost a decade of doing this by myself. I'll tell you what works for the female body and what doesn't.

Reduce and Avoid Isolated Exercises

Isolated exercises are the ones that limit the amount of motion and simply focus on one muscle group. This i a complete waste of time. Not only are you using up all your energy on one muscle, but you're just not going to stimulate much (if any) muscle growth.

Studies have repeatedly shown that compound exercises stimulate more muscle growth than another other. These are the exercises that workout many different muscle groups at the same time. The best ones are deadlifts, squats and bench press. If you do these three, you will put on some good amounts of muscle.

Diet is everything

My next free female muscle building tip is about your diet. You're going to have to sit down and plan it out because your muscle growth will only be as good as your diet. This means you have to start eating small meals more often and using a diet journal to calibrate your results.

Iron Dolls is the only female bodybuilding book that gives explicit instructions and guides you through the process of achieving success.

Learn more at the Iron Dolls Review.

The Tricks of the Trade in Female Bodybuilding

I'm going to share with you some tricks of the trade in female bodybuilding. This is a tough sport for anyone, but it seems to be twice as tough for women since there really isn't the resources available, that the men have. I had to work twice hard when I started out because I really had no one to help me, no one to mentor and no books to read on the topic. I'm going to share a little bit about what I learned, so this should help you.

Do you squat and deadlift?

If not, than you should. Look around the gym the next time you're there and pick up on the men that are really thick and built. I guarantee they're either squatting or deadlifting. You know what I think you should do them, because they work. It has been shown in studies time and time again that these two exercises stimulate muscle growth everywhere on your body. That's a pretty good. Work your legs and get bigger arms. If you don't do these, you better start.

How's your diet?

If you're not going to dedicate the necessary time into your diet than you might as well quit now. Your diet will be the most important thing you follow and it needs to be done right. You have to start eating smaller meals more often, to keep a constant flow of nutrients coming into the body to handle the process of repairing muscle tissue. If you're not doing this, you won't have good results.

Iron Dolls is the only female bodybuilding guide I've ever had the chance to use. It's information was so good it allowed me to put on 5lbs of muscle in my first month.

Check out the Iron Dolls Review.

Tips For Female Muscle Bodybuilder

I'm going to take the time to share with you a little about female muscle bodybuilder tips that I've been saving up. It's been almost a decade since I started into this sport and I've really learned a lot over that time. It is amazing how much misinformation is really out there and the incredible things ordinary people will believe. I'm going to share a little from what I've learned that should really help you do much better in this sport.

Consistent Behavior

You have to understand that there are no quick fixes. There is no instant results. This requires dedication and consistent behavior for month after month after month. If you're the type of person that is always looking for quick fixes, than you really need to reevaluate this sport. I guarantee you'll quit very soon because this isn't going to be quick. We're only talking about 1lb a week. That's it. Some weeks you'll actually have disappointing results and the only thing you can really do is just get back to work and start at it again.

Determination is what wins in this sport. When you have a bad day, you do your work. When you see bad results, you do your work. When you have some success, you do your work.

Intensity at the Gym

Intensity is the ultimate stress you can apply to your muscles and body to stimulate muscle growth. Too many people go through their routine at the gym and don't even break a sweat. If you're not breaking a sweat, than you're not working hard enough.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Body Building For Girls - Starting Out Right

Let's get our terms straight when we speak of bodybuilding for girls. Many woman take immediate offense if they are called a girl. Unless, of course, they are speaking with one of their "girl friends". We mean no offense here and in our context, we really are talking about girls. Young women in their teenage years.

Although much of what we say also applies to woman of any age who are realizing that they can become fit, strong and toned just the same as males. Body building can be just as great of a benefit to girls as to boys, but their approach has to be different.

Determine Your Goals...

Girls must determine what it is that they want to accomplish through bodybuilding and then establish realistic weight training goals. Often, girls approach bodybuilding just to control their weight, while others want to firm up and get sculpted. A desire to excel in athletic activities also drives some of the girls to the gym.

No matter what your goals are, you need to make them specific and write them down. This helps you keep your target in mind during the workouts. If you lose sight of your goals, chances are good that you will also lose all motivation and your desire to continue with your training.

Hormonal Differences Are Important...

A big difference for girls bodybuilding is that they don't produce as much testosterone as teenage boys, but that is okay. You really don't want to produce the big muscles that guys do. Your main goal is probably to tone your muscles and sculpt a beautiful body. That doesn't take great amounts of testosterone - it takes a plan and a lot of dedication.

Girls May Need To Supplement...

Girls need to look at nutrition differently than the guys do. When you begin a body building routine you will need to supplement with iron due to blood loss during menstruation. An iron supplement should be taken with grapefruit juice or a similar drink so the acid can help your body absorb the iron.

You may also need to consider a protein supplement since it is the basic muscle building material in the body. You may just be trying to lose weight and tone up and not be working out to build muscle, but you don't want to lose any muscle tissue either.

Speaking of supplements, boys should shy away from testosterone replacement supplements because of the harmful side effects and this goes double for girls. They can not only make you look and sound more like a man but they can seriously impair your development and your ability to have children.

Your Body Needs Rest...

Plenty of rest is needed by both girls and boys who are actively body building. Adequate rest is important for any young person, but when you are working your body, it becomes critical. Muscles grow and develop when the body is in a sedentary state. When you sleep, your muscles grow and repair themselves from the normal tearing down that happen during vigorous workouts.

Seek Appropriate Advice...

Young girls need to get the guidance of a knowledgeable adult before commencing a bodybuilding program. With a little work, it is possible for you to use body building as an overall fitness program to achieve a beautiful, healthy, toned body to be proud of. You will find that bodybuilding really is for girls as you enjoy the admiring glances of the guys and the envious looks of all the other girls!

Be sure and choose a natural bodybuilding program developed for girls - not one designed for maximum muscle growth. And select the one bodybuilding program that is a match for your goals.

Anabolic Steroids and Virilization in Women - (Q & A)

The general public often attaches women's bodybuilding to a certain stigma. They mock the idea of highly muscular women, and very often these women will perpetuate the image by doing commercials or acting in stereotypical ways. The topic of "manly women" is an interesting one, and a few questions continually pop up. Let's delve into them.

What is Virilization?

Virilization occurs when women develop masculine characteristics due to taking anabolic steroids.

What are the signs of virilization?

Commonly known in the various stereotypes, the side effects of steroids in women vary. Some consistent signs include a deeper voice, excessive body hair growth, baldness (similar to male pattern baldness), acne, and enlargement of the clitoris. Some women who use in extreme amounts develop a squaring of the jaw.

Are these side effects reversible?

While the acne that occurs with steroid use may subside in women, the other side effects do not go away when steroid use is stopped. They are permanent. One cycle can mean a lifetime of these consequences.

What is the sport of professional female bodybuilding like?

While men's bodybuilding is a cult sport, it does enjoy audiences in the thousands at the larger events. Male bodybuilding shows sell tickets, and promoters often see profits. Male bodybuilding supports (and is supported by) the nutritional supplement industry. Female bodybuilding, on the other hand, has a much smaller following. There are some seriously dedicated hardcore fans. But for the most part, they might number in the dozens at a show, not in the hundreds or more, as you see with the men. Most female bodybuilding shows take attached to men's events. Prize money for the top female bodybuilder in the world is around $5000. For the men, the prize money is about $150,000. Female bodybuilders also have a hard time securing sponsorships and financial backing, while the top male athletes typically find at least some support from fans. Male bodybuilders are more marketable, as many men would like bigger muscles. Simply put, don't get into female bodybuilding for the fame or the money, because it is few and far between.

Bottom Line... Should women use steroids?

If a woman's passion involves getting onstage and presenting a highly muscular physique, then by all means she should follow her dreams. However, she should be very aware of the lifetime of side effects, which she is accepting in exchange for a relatively short period of extreme muscularity.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit - the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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Exercises For Bodybuilding Women

I'm going to share with you my favorite exercises designed specifically for bodybuilding women. These exercises will help improve over all muscle development, increased testosterone production and allow you to have the most intense workout you ever had.

  • Deadlifts: This is probably the only exercise you can do that works the largest proportion of your body. I hear a lot of people whine, saying "I don't need to work my legs and back." Well, this really isn't about your legs and back. This exercise works out your legs and back, but it has an overall physiological effect. This exercise will help your body produce more testosterone. This means that the work you do on the rest of your body gets a boost because of that. The added overall stress from it shocks your entire body. This exercise needs to be done for bodybuilding women. You can't escape it.
  • Squats: Another lower body workout on the list here, but it is another big compound exercise like the deadlifts. Squats have been shown to push your body into producing more testosterone, allowing you to build more muscles everywhere. It also has a major stress effect on your entire body, leaving your overall body looking to build up to deal with it.
  • Bench Press: This is probably the most popular exercise from regular weight lifters to bodybuilders. This probably works the biggest chunk of the upper body as you can, even though it is significantly less than the deadlifts. The bench press works the chest, arms and shoulders. It does lead to overall more testosterone production, but not very much compared to that of deadlifts and squats. This is another exercise that you need to do.

These are my favorite exercises that are designed specifically for bodybuilding women.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Bodybuilding Information For Women

This is my favorite and most important bodybuilding information for women. This can help you become as efficient as you possibly can as a female bodybuilder. As a woman, you face a huge challenge in this sport, but you can still pull out amazing results.

The Bodybuilding Diet

You need to start doing a bodybuilding diet, instead of the diet accepted by society. They just don't mix. Breakfast, lunch and dinner just don't cut it. You need to start eating smaller meals, more often. I follow the rule of every 2-3hrs. This way, my body gets a constant flow of nutrients in, so my body is in the position to constantly repair muscle tissue. When you're eating only a few meals a day, your body has significant amounts of time where it is not in the position to build muscle tissue. That is just lost potential.

The evening poses the biggest problem because you're going to be sleeping longer than 2-3hrs. The solution for this is to eat a combination of protein and fat before you goto bed. Fat is very hard for the digestive system to go through. This means the digestive process gets prolonged throughout the night, leaving you with a consistent flow of protein to repair muscles.


You can't skimp on this. This is too important. Lack of sleep will result in less muscle and even stifle fat loss. You can't afford to do this. You need to dedicate at a minimum 8 hours a night for sleep. If you don't, you're just losing out on potential muscle building.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

The Tricks of the Trade in Female Bodybuilding

I'm going to share with you some tricks of the trade in female bodybuilding. This is a tough sport for anyone, but it seems to be twice as tough for women since there really isn't the resources available, that the men have. I had to work twice hard when I started out because I really had no one to help me, no one to mentor and no books to read on the topic. I'm going to share a little bit about what I learned, so this should help you.

Do you squat and deadlift?

If not, than you should. Look around the gym the next time you're there and pick up on the men that are really thick and built. I guarantee they're either squatting or deadlifting. You know what I think you should do them, because they work. It has been shown in studies time and time again that these two exercises stimulate muscle growth everywhere on your body. That's a pretty good. Work your legs and get bigger arms. If you don't do these, you better start.

How's your diet?

If you're not going to dedicate the necessary time into your diet than you might as well quit now. Your diet will be the most important thing you follow and it needs to be done right. You have to start eating smaller meals more often, to keep a constant flow of nutrients coming into the body to handle the process of repairing muscle tissue. If you're not doing this, you won't have good results.

Iron Dolls is the only female bodybuilding guide I've ever had the chance to use. It's information was so good it allowed me to put on 5lbs of muscle in my first month.

Check out the Iron Dolls Review.

Bodybuilding Routines For Females

I want to share with you some of my bodybuilding routines that are designed specifically for the female bodybuilders. These can help you push yourself to new limits with weight and muscle.

The first and most important exercise I think every bodybuilder should do is deadlifts. The physiological benefits of this exercise are absolutely amazing. I've heard friends tell me that they won't do anything that works their legs because they got "big legs". This exercise plays a bigger roll than working legs and back. It leads to your body producing more testosterone. This is an amazing thing you can do as a female to improve your overall muscle building potential.

Another great exercise is the squats. It's a lower body one just like the previous one. This has the same effect. Overall, your body will be able to produce more testosterone. The reason is that this exercise is so compound and has an extremely unique stress effect on your body, you start to produce more testosterone. The more testosterone you have in your system, the more potential you have to build muscle.

Lastly, you'll want to do bench presses. This is the most important one for the upper body and works the most amount of muscles. This one doesn't have quite the same overall effect with regards to testosterone as deadlifts and squats do, but it still has an effect and should definitely be done for best results.

There are the best bodybuilding routines that I do every time I goto the gym because they're amazing.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

How To Be A Natural Female Bodybuilder

I want to show you how to be a natural female bodybuilder. As hard as people make bodybuilding out to be, it is twice as hard for the females out there. That doesn't mean it is impossible, it just requires a lot of dedication on our part.

Bulking or Cutting

First off, I'll start out defining each. Bulking is the processes of putting on as much muscle as possible while minimizing your fat gains. Cutting is the process of removing as much fat as possible while minimizing your loss of muscle.

It is surprising how many people think they can accomplish both of these at the same time. It really isn't worth the effort because bulk and cutting act against each other. People that do them together have slow and poor results. They maybe happy with the results, but they're missing out on a much larger potential.

I recommend starting out doing a bulk because the added muscle will help you when you cut. More muscle means you're a much more efficient fat cutter.

Compound or Isolated Exercises

Compound exercises are the ones that use many different muscles to complete them. These exercises include deadlifts, squats, bent over rows, etc. Isolated exercises are the ones that use one muscle only. Typically these are the machine exercises that have very restricted movements.

The best ones to focus on are the compound ones. Compound exercises have been shown to stimulate more muscle growth than other types of exercises. Some of the most compound exercises like squats and deadlifts have been shown to increase testosterone production.

I'm not saying cut out all your isolated workouts, just do your compound ones and if you have time or energy left over you do your isolated ones.

This is my natural female bodybuilder information that should help you become much better at this sport.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Amateur Female Bodybuilding Tips

I'm going to share with you my amateur female bodybuilding tips that should help you become a more successful bodybuilder. This sport can be very fun, yet challenging and I want to help you increase your chances of success.

Compound vs. Isolated Exercises

Well, I'll first define each. A compound exercises is one that works multiple muscle groups at the same time. Examples of this would be deadlifts, squats and bench press. An isolated exercise is one that works only one or two muscle groups at the same time. Examples of this would be machine exercises, since they restrict movement in one direction.

Which is better? Compound, hands down. These types of exercises have been shown to stimulate more overall muscle growth than any other exercise. Some compound exercises have been shown to increase your overall testosterone production, making you an even more efficient muscle builder.

Full Body or Part of the Body

There are women out there that are insecure about parts of their body and most common one I hear is legs. "My legs are too big", so they don't even workout that area. The problem is that you're throwing potential out the window. Working your entire body is much better for stimulating overall muscle growth, than just working part of it. With a proper diet, you can do squats & deadlifts and see your legs go down in size.

These are my amateur female bodybuilding tips. I hope they help you on your journey to becoming a bodybuilder.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Smart Female Bodybuilding Strategies

I wanted to take the time to talk about some smart female bodybuilding techniques. This is a hard sport for anyone, but it is twice as hard for women. We don't have all this extra information available to us, so we're forced to figure it all out on our own. I started almost a decade ago and I learned through trial and error. I made a lot of mistakes, but I eventually learned. There is a lot of things that people do wrong and there are things people do right. I'm going to share with you the things that are right, so you can focus on them.

Squats and Deadlifts

These two exercises are the foundation that make up bodybuilding. I'm often surprised at how these two exercises are some of the most ignored ones. I hear the same mantra excuse. "I already have big legs", "I want to work my upper body". It's all just ignorant. The fact is that these two exercises have been shown to stimulate more stress in the body forcing all muscles to grow bigger, than any other ones out there. These are so important. People that do these exercises every single week, are by far bigger than all the other "wannabes" that avoid them.

Diet is Everything

Your diet is extremely important and if you're not planning out your daily eating than you're just playing with fire. By planning things out in advance, it's less likely an impulse will pull you away. It's often when we are trying to figure out what we should be eating, that we get frustrated and cheat. Planning is a mechanism for preventing cheating.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Female Bodybuilding Secrets

Female bodybuilding is a tough sport for most women to get into. Not only is there a total lack of information designed for the female bodybuilder, there is a stigmatism associated with it by society. I started out almost a decade ago and I learned a lot in my time. I had ups and downs. I learned a lot of lessons that really helped me do well in this sport. I want to take the time to share them with you.

Compound vs. Isolated

You have basically two types of exercises you can do; compound and isolated. Compound exercises are the ones that work many muscle groups at the same time. Isolated are the ones that work on one isolated muscle.

Studies have shown that the most compound your exercises are the most stimulated muscle growth you have for your entire body. The most common compound exercises are deadlifts, squats and bench press. They have an amazing effect on muscle growth because they put such a high stress on the body. If you don't currently do any of these, than you need to start working them all into your workout.

Diet = Success

Your diet is the single most important thing that will bring you success. Nothing is more important. Your results will only be as good as your diet, so make sure you have this right. You need to eat smaller meals more often so your body can have a consistent flow of nutrients coming in to repair muscle tissue.

Iron Dolls is the first female bodybuilding book I ever got my hands on. It taught me so much about how to be successful and I wanted to pass that on to you.

Check out the Iron Dolls Review.

My Female Bodybuilding Diet Information

I'm going to take the time to share with you some of my female bodybuilding diet information that has helped me really succeed in this sport. I've been doing this for almost a decade now and I never had as much success as I have no until I really started to focus and put work into my diet. I learned the simple fact that your potential as a bodybuilder is only as good as your diet. Your workout can be the most sophisticated one in the world, but it's only going to be as effective as your diet.

Your number one goal with your diet is ensuring that there is enough nutrients coming into the body to meet the demand of muscle growth. Muscle growth happens when your protein synthesis is up. When you eat a good piece of meat, your synthesis will go up for around 2-4hrs and than come back down. I found that eating ever 2-3hrs can really give you a balance to this whole thing and allow you to maximize your muscle growth.

There is also a bonus effect to that strategy. When you eat every few hours, your metabolism will speed up. Metabolism is directly tied to your digestive system and when you're in a constant state of digestion, your metabolism will always be burning.

You should also take the time to learn the rolls of protein, carbs and fat. When you know this you can better tailor your meals to meet the demand of your day and maximize your results.

Iron Dolls is the first female bodybuilding ebook that was created. I've used the strategies within it, with great success and I highly recommend it.

Learn more at the Iron Dolls Review.

Women's Bodybuilding Guide

I'm going to give you a little women's bodybuilding guide to help you on your way to becoming a bodybuilder. This is a tough sport, not because there is difficult work to be done, but because it requires such long term dedication applied every single hour of the day. You have to have a strong determination to make it in this sport and if you have that, you should be following my information.

Your gym workout has to be hard and intense. I suggest you stop wasting your time on tiny isolated workouts like barbell curls and things like that. You need to start working out with compound exercises. This is where muscle is built. If you look around the gym, you're going to see two different types of people; wannabes and the real deal. Wannabes are typically skinny, but they think they're big. The real deal, you'll find these people over doing squats, deadlifts, bench presses and whatever extremely difficult lifts they can find. Compound exercises are the key to building muscle. If you're not doing squats and deadlifts yet, you need to start today. They are so important for success.

The next thing is your diet. You need to be eating protein every few hours. The reason is that your muscle repair throughout a 48hr period. That means that they're going to need nutrition all day long. Unfortunately the 2-3meals a day just doesn't cut it. You need start eating every few hours to keep a constant flow of nutrients coming in.

Lastly, I suggest you get the Iron Dolls ebook on female bodybuilding. It's the only bodybuilding book that is designed for females and it is a really great book.

Check out the Iron Dolls Review.

Female Bodybuilding Strategies For Beginners

If you're new to bodybuilding, I'm going to share with you some of the strategies I've used to get me ready for a competition. I would like to first say that it really isn't that hard to achieve success in this sport. The problem is that most people don't have the dedication and will power to apply the necessary task to have success. If you have the ability to dedicate yourself to a simple and mundane process, please continue reading.

Diet is everything

Your diet is the most important thing you'll ever do in bodybuilding. Most people think it's the gym, but it's not. I didn't start to see great success until I put more time and effort into planning my diet, than I did at the gym. You need to get on the smaller meals more often diet. This is essential to speed up your metabolism. There is also the added benefit of maximizing muscle growth. The way you build muscle isn't an instantaneous process. It happens over a period of time, so you need to have a constant flow of nutrients coming in to do the necessary repairs.


I think sleep is the second most important thing. Most people would say that it would be workout, but I disagree. I've had pretty bad workouts, but did good because my diet and sleep were in order. You have to recognize the fact that your body does the main portion of body repair during your sleep time. Your body expects you to sleep for 8-9hrs a night, so if you're not doing that than you're missing out on a lot of potential muscle growth.

Iron Dolls is the only female bodybuilding guide book on the market. It will show you how to properly do your diet and how to maximize your growth from your workouts at the gym. Check out the Iron Dolls Review.

Bodybuilding Tips For Women

I'm here to give some tips to help women get more out of their bodybuilding experience. This can be a tough sport for most people and you really have to have the heart for determination because this won't be an easy task.

  • Plan/Routine: This is a very important thing to stick to. You need a plan or routine to follow because it is the best way to success. The things you do on a daily basis are what will determine how successful you are. It's amazing how many people will workout for a week, than miss two weeks, come back and do a month of work, than miss three weeks. It's inconsistent and you're not going to get anywhere. The person that works on as a routine and follows and diet plan is going to be successful. Even if they cheat once or miss a workout, they'll still do great because they've been following the routine.
  • High Water Intake: You need to be drinking water and a lot more than usual. I don't give numbers because everyone is unique. If you hear that you need a specific number that seems to apply to all people (like 8 glasses a day), than you know the science behind that is pretty shady. Which it is in the 8 glasses a day case. Your body is mainly water, but your muscles are even more water. They are literally water. Your body puts toxins in the water and they are disposed of through urination. The key is to get toxins out and replace it with clean fresh water.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Free Advice For Female Bodybuilders

I want to give free advice to the female bodybuilders out there. This is a tough sport for both men and women, but it seems to be twice as hard for women because there just doesn't seem to be much support for us. That doesn't mean we can't succeed though.

  • Bulk Up or Cut Down: You essentially have two choices; are you going to bulk up or cut the fat off? Most people are pretty surprised that you can't do both at the same time. If you try to do both at the same time, you're not maximizing your results. The best bodybuilders in the world cycle between bulking and cutting. Most people that start out do bulking because when you put on all that extra muscle, it makes you much more efficient at taking off the fat. Bulking is essentially putting on as much muscle as possible while minimizing fat increases. Cutting is essentially removing as much fat from your body while maintaining as much muscle as you can.

  • Compound Exercises: You should have priority set to compound exercises. A compound exercise is one that works many muscle groups at the same time. There is also isolated exercises that work just one muscle group at a time. Compound always come first because it has been shown to stimulate more muscle growth. When you goto the gym, do your compound exercises first and if you have time, do your isolated ones.

  • Eat Every 2-3 Hours: You need to start eating smaller meals, more often because your body needs a constant flow of nutrients throughout the day to repair muscle tissue. Protein for example, only stays in your system for roughly 2-4hrs depending on what type of protein you eat. Whey protein stays even less at under an hour. Once your system no long has protein, your muscles aren't being repaired to the maximum potential.

This is my free advice for the female bodybuilders. I hope this serves you well.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Female Bodybuilding Tactics For Success

I'm going to share with you some female bodybuilding tactics that will help you be more successful. This can be a tough sport. Not because it is a difficult task, it is something that requires vigilant dedication for long periods of time. It's hard to remain perfectly dedicated, living in the real world where everyone around you isn't doing what you're doing. I hope to help you out with that.

I think the best thing you can do for yourself is to make a plan. You should have a plan for what you're going to eat, when you're going to eat it and what you're going to do when you workout. These three important things help you eliminate the process of thought from action. You'll notice as you take on this task that having to think and figure out things can really take energy away from you. Energy that would probably be best served for action. A plan makes things easy because you don't have to think, you just follow.

With the same philosophy in place, you should also limit the amount of diversity in your food. I know we all like to have something different to eat all the time, but that won't help you. Having different food available to you puts in a decision mode where you have to choose. That takes up energy. The less meals you limit yourself to, the less you have to think and the more you act. Top athletes with the lowest body fat percentages have been shown to eat practically the same things everyday. Take advantage of that fact.

The Iron Dolls bodybuilding guide book will help walk you through each necessary step to become a champ. For more information, check out the Iron Dolls Review.

Female Bodybuilding Diets and Training Tips

I'm going to share with you some female bodybuilding diets and training tips that can really help you improve your overall efficiency at this sport. Most people think it is tough to be successful, but if you have the determination, you can achieve success. These tips I've learned from years of training, failing, learning and winning. Use them well.

Compound Exercises are greater than Isolated Exercises

When you're doing your training routine, you only have two types of exercises; compound and isolated. The compound ones require a large variety of muscles to complete a repetition. Isolated ones require just one muscle(hence the name isolated).

Compound exercises have a much more profound effect because they work more muscles and they create an overall higher stress on the body. Exercises like deadlifts and squats have been shown to help improve your entire bodies ability to produce muscle. Work your legs and you'll get bigger arms. Makes sense to me.

You're only as good as your diet

Your diet is the real key to success. It doesn't matter how perfect your workout routine is, you're only as good as your diet allows you to be and if you're not doing it right you're missing out.

You need to get off the "society" diet of 2 or 3 meals a day and onto a bodybuilders diet, which is a smaller meal every 2-3hrs. At first this will be a little weird and it'll feel like you're stuffing your face, but it will allow you to build more muscle and force your metabolism to speed up.

These are my female bodybuilding diets and training tips. If you're like to learn more, I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Female Teen Bodybuilder Tips

I'm going to share with you some of my female teen bodybuilder tips that should help all the teens out there perform better, which results in more muscle growth.

How often should I be eating?

I recommend eating every 2-3hrs and there is a simple and scientific explanation for this. Your muscles repair consistently over a period of 48hrs after you work them. This means that you're going to need a consistent flow of nutrients coming into the body. Protein(amino acids) is the nutrient that the body uses to build muscle tissue. Typically the nutrients of protein stay in the body for 2-4hrs, which means that you have to eat again in that time. I recommend 3 hours because you have to take into consideration that at 3hrs you'll go and prepare a meal which takes time. This will help any female teen bodybuilder put on the maximum amount of muscle capable.

What about getting nutrients while I sleep?

This is a challenge for all bodybuilders because sleep is required to build muscle and you usually get 8hrs of it. This means most of the night your body will not have the necessary nutrients to repair muscle tissue. The solution is simple, eat cottage cheese before bed. There is a unique combination, Fat and Protein. Fat is a lot harder for the body to digest, so it takes longer. This means your protein will last throughout the night, instead of immediately being digested.

What exercises should I do?

The best advice I could give to female teen bodybuilders is to stick with compound exercises, which are ones that work many different muscle groups at the same time. That means exercises like deadlifts, squats, bench press and bent over rows.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.

Smart Female Bodybuilding Strategies

I wanted to take the time to talk about some smart female bodybuilding techniques. This is a hard sport for anyone, but it is twice as hard for women. We don't have all this extra information available to us, so we're forced to figure it all out on our own. I started almost a decade ago and I learned through trial and error. I made a lot of mistakes, but I eventually learned. There is a lot of things that people do wrong and there are things people do right. I'm going to share with you the things that are right, so you can focus on them.

Squats and Deadlifts

These two exercises are the foundation that make up bodybuilding. I'm often surprised at how these two exercises are some of the most ignored ones. I hear the same mantra excuse. "I already have big legs", "I want to work my upper body". It's all just ignorant. The fact is that these two exercises have been shown to stimulate more stress in the body forcing all muscles to grow bigger, than any other ones out there. These are so important. People that do these exercises every single week, are by far bigger than all the other "wannabes" that avoid them.

Diet is Everything

Your diet is extremely important and if you're not planning out your daily eating than you're just playing with fire. By planning things out in advance, it's less likely an impulse will pull you away. It's often when we are trying to figure out what we should be eating, that we get frustrated and cheat. Planning is a mechanism for preventing cheating.

I'm currently offering a free womens bodybuilding course. If you're interested you can goto Free Womens Bodybuilding Course.